I walk home the same old streets, by grey walls and hard concrete

Vet inte om videon var cool eller var det var men fan den var bra!

"Um, wow. I don't know if it's the song selection or because it's in black and white or the fact that everybody in this video is so attractive, but what started out as incredibly awkward—seeing two strangers meet each other and kiss—turned into something pretty damn beautiful. The premise of the video, called First Kiss and directed by Tatia Pilieva, was to get 20 strangers and have them kiss each other for the first time. It gets electric.

It's cute to see the strangers be all hesitant at first (as most sane and sober people would be!) but once they go for it, it's like watching fireworks, man (as barf-fully cheesy as that sounds). It's unexpectedly touching, like watching a documentary turn into a romantic comedy that doesn't suck. Anyway. Free kisses for everyone!" - Källa


I wanna feel the gras, between my toes, I wanna hear the birds

Den första videon från gårdagen på vår lilla iller Timmon!

i was just hoping

Vem blir inte sugen? Måste fan börja åka igen, nu är det ju perfekt väder och allt!

En flicka på snart 18 år i d enna värld. Lever mitt liv i kampen på att ta mig ifrån min självskada och depression. Och på vägen lära känna mig själv.